Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas light storage frames

Here is a short and simple project. I bought new Christmas lights this year and decided to make some frames to wrap them around instead of the cruddy old cardboard I had been using. These have "ears" to keep the wires from falling off, and little clips on the sides to grab the plugs.

I recently listened to a blog which said many projects can do with much less infill than we often think. Since I needed to print several of these, I decided to vary the infill and see how it worked out. I went all the way down to 0%, forgetting about the issue of bridging. Since the sides are not that far apart, even with some drooping bridges, the the second and third layers fixed it and it came out with nearly no surface gaps. (For a project like this appearance doesn't really matter anyway.) So as little as 5% infill worked just fine.

Each of these used about 72 cents of PLA, and took about an hour to print. That really doesn't make much sense... I could probably have bought something like this for less... but this was more fun and printed while I was doing other stuff.

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